How we view Student LearningAt Ferntree Gully North Primary School we pride ourselves on working alongside our students and families to provide a broad whole school experience that focuses on literacy, numeracy and wellbeing. As a Department Of Education school we follow the Victorian Curriculum to maximize the opportunities for all students to build a future that can be as open as possible.A new learning builds upon previous knowledge and understandings. We encourage and utilise children’s experiences as a context for learning and, for retaining and reinforcing new knowledge, skills and strategies.
Over the seven years of primary school the curriculum builds with the introduction of ideas and concepts in prep to more formal learning of history, geography, science, economics and civics and citizenship in the higher levels. Alongside this sits our development of social and personal capabilities to ensure all children have a range of skills they will develop and use in life. We aim to educate students academically, socially and emotionally.
Play Is the Way
For a number of years we have used the social skills framework of Play Is The Way to enhance our behaviour education and teaching about productive and respectful relationships. The program is based around a set of core philosophies which are explicitly taught and reinforced through game play of a set of games that are purposefully flawed to create the opportunities for these conversations and for real context. These games are strategically worked through by our staff in a designated time four days a week. To read more about the Play Is the Way program click here.
Camping Program
Our camping program begins at year 3 level.
We run a two year cycle of camps providing a range of outdoor activities that are educationally based experiences.
Camps in year 3/4 & 5/6 - For both 3/4 and 5/6 these camps are for 3 days/2 nights duration.
Community CultureOur strong community environment is built upon a connection between our formal teaching and learning and the real world. Parent involvement in our school is welcome in whatever capacity it can be provided by families and we run parent information sessions and courses to help parents support the learning experiences of their children beyond the school day. Positive relationships that bring school and home are vital to the success of all students.
Support for Students and FamiliesWe view and recognise our school as an important part of the Ferntree Gully Community. We pride ourselves on being approachable and proactive, depending. We promote connection with community services in the local area that parents are sometimes unaware of, and work alongside them to achieve the best outcomes for our students and families.
The classroom teacher is always the first port of call for parents so they can give you the most up to date information, feedback and reassurance. We use the restorative processes from our Play is the Way program to address areas of difficulty on a case by case basis and of course additional assistance is organised when required. The leadership team is always available to help when required.
At Ferntree Gully North we utilise a range of tools to provide learning support for students. Seldom are two students the same, so we aim to tailor support to the particular needs of students. This may involve some small group work with children from similar levels, there may be some individual support and we utilise Indivdidual Education Plans (IEPs) developed by teachers in conjunction with the support of their teams or support staff. Support is generally more effective within the class framework and we aim to support all staff to meet the needs of all students.